"The Life And Times Of Prophecy"
Actress, Comedian, Producer & Media Mogul Uldouz Wallace is seen attending the Hollywood Premiere of “La La Land” which stars Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone.
Uldouz was the quintessential “Lady In Red” on a Red Carpet that wasn’t Red at all… more like Midnight. A beautiful backdrop for the film and the beautiful people like Uldouz, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone & Cheryl Burke from Dancing with the Stars to name a few.
And being that the premiere was at The Village in Westwood, right across from the Landmark Diddy Reese, it was one of the few times you could get your hands on their ice cream sandwiches without waiting in a crowd of a line.
Garry “Prophecy” Sun for
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Garry “Prophecy” Sun for
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Hi Ladies… Here’s a winter treat. Ryan Gosling as he pulls up to the Hollywood Premiere for “La La Land”.
Catch the fans going crazy for him as he signs autographs before a brief interview with “Vanity Fair” as Co-Star Emma Stone Arrives.
You’re welcome
Garry “Prophecy” Sun for
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Warner Bros. has released the Theatrical Trailer for Superman “Man Of Steel” Directed by Zack Snyder, who’s best known for Directing “300” and “Watchmen”. The film is also produced by Christopher Nolan, who’s best known for the Batman and Dark Knight Films.
The trailer gives us a first glimpse of Henry Cavill as The Man of Steel, with 2 Powerhouse Poppas…. Russell Crowe as Jor-El and Kevin Costner as Clark Kent’s adopted Dad, Jonathan Kent. Lois Lane is also played by Amy Adams. Gone is Brandon Routh… Who looked eerily similar to Clark Kent, but I guess the overall quality of Superman Returns and Box-Office Disappointment didn’t lead to Brandon booking the gig.
While I’m sure I’ll check out this film… and will likely be pretty Amazing, it’s just another one of those times where you have to ask… How many times do i have to watch the same story ? I swear the whole story of Superman hurled to earth as baby Clark to grow up into Superman has been told several times on film. Just as The Amazing Spider-Man recent addition starring Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield.
Yes, it looks dope. But would I like to see something completely different. Yes. That too.
Garry “Prophecy” Sun for
Props to my homegirl, Australian Born Christina Collard, for taking part in a short bit entitled “Indian Spider-Man“, giving a new twist on the Spider-Man series that’s definitely a fresher idea than the recent record breaking blockbuster starring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone.
“Indian Spider-Man”, produced by Goat Face Comedy, re-enacts the Stan Lee favorite that we all know and love, with the slight twist of our webbed hero, played by Hasan Minhaj (no relation to Nicki) coming from a traditional Indian Family. The short plays on Indian and Asian American Stereotypes like only Indians and Asians should be allowed.
And this would be the same reason why this video was recently talked about by none other than the Los Angeles Times, and comparing it to Ashton Kutcher’s controversially failed attempt at depicting comedic twists of Indian Culture in a recent ad campaign for PopChips. Sorry Ashton, maybe you should stick to marria… oh wait.
But of course, the real props goes to Christina, who’s showin up all over the place here and there, letting you know that her breakthrough moments are just on the verge, as she plays Indian Spider-Man’s damsel in distress. Unfortunately for her, she fell victim to those same Indian Stereotypes, rendering her Hero useless.
Maybe next time, she should just shout for Prophecy
Garry “Prophecy” Sun for
Follow Christina Collard on Twitter @OzzieBarbie
Photo: Christina Collard
Video: Goat Face Comedy