SunOfHollywood.com’s Submission To DamnYouAutoCorrect.com posted by on January 24, 2012

Auto Correct Needs To Change Its Name To Faulty Correct

If you own an iPhone and are familiar with its faulty Auto Correct

Chances are you’re also familiar with the website DamnYouAutoCorrect.com, the website where iPhone users submit text message threads of their embarrassing Auto Correct moments.

So one of the things I’ve been doing lately is booking shows and appearances for talent, including Hollywood Celebrities and Musical Artists, of course focusing on Hip-Hop.

So I’m having this text conversation with my friend, who has helped me book a couple venues for one of the Artists I’ve been working with.  I let him know that I plan on booking him a gig in Vegas, and that I was going to get both of us paid for brokering this show.

His response:

“So Dick”

And when I read it, I asked myself “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

He quickly added to his response “Lmao I meant so sick”

Yeah, so if you thought all those Auto Correct moments were just made up… They definitely happen.  Don’t forget to submit your funny Auto Correct moments by Clicking Here or sending an image of your text thread to Submit@DamnYouAutoCorrect.com

And keep an eye out for this submission on DamnYouAutoCorrect.com , no doubt it should make the cut !

Garry “Prophecy” Sun for SunOfHollywood.com
