Prophecy Gives Tupac Resurrection DVD’s To Paris Hilton And Lindsay Lohan… Britney Spears Awaits posted by on April 18, 2012

Just As Much As My Name Is Prophecy... I Will Make Sure His Memory, His Life And His Message Lives On

Since This Week Has Become The Unofficial Tupac Rememberance WeekThanks To Holographic Tupac’s Appearance At Coachella…

I figured I might as well share this with you.  A few years ago, I had hoped to bring Tupac’s memory back into current day’s pop culture.  My plan was to give “Tupac Resurrection” on DVD to Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears.  This of course was before Kim Kardashian came into the picture and these 3 girls were running the entertainment media and tabloid industries.

I had a specific statement to each of the three girls, where I felt their individual lives had obstacles very similar to the obstacles in Tupac’s Life, and that they could benefit by learning from his life.

To Paris: I told her that just like herself, Pac was misunderstood by the media and the world. I also managed to give her this DVD on her Birthday.

To Lindsay: I told her that just like herself, Pac was young and thrust into the limelight and had to deal with problems in the legal system

To Britney: I had planned to tell her that just like herself, Pac was ripped apart by the public and scrutinized for his actions.  I never had the chance to give her the DVD.

So that was my attempt to immerse the Spirit and Memory of Tupac into today’s pop culture.

Sorry, but I didn’t have Dr. Dre’s budget for a Hologram.

Garry “Prophecy” Sun for SunOfHollywood.com

Video: SunOfHollywood.com


Video: SunOfHollywood.com


Video: SunOfHollywood.com


Holly Madison Celebrates Bringing Her World Into Your Home posted by on October 15, 2011