Video Surfaces Of Mayhem Outside Of Batman Massacre In Aurora, Colorado posted by on July 20, 2012

Video has just surfaced of the mayhem that occurred just outside of the Aurora, Colorado Movie Theater’s Midnight Showing of “Batman: The Dark Knight Rises“, Where apprehended shooter James Holmes opened fire on the entire theater, claiming to be “The Joker” wearing Red Hair.

It is reported that James used 3 different guns during his massacre, an AR-15, a Glock 40 and a Remington 870.

At least 12 people have been killed in the incident , with over 60 injured. There are also minority child victims as well.

In my honest spiritual opinion….

Whatever Demonic Spirit that overtook the life of Heath Ledger is alive and well. Heath complained to many people about hearing voices in his head after channeling the spirit of the Joker before his life tragically ended on January 22, 2008.

And now with the alleged deranged shooter James Holmes claiming to be the Joker, there is no doubt in my mind that he was hearing these exact same voices, and it is quite possible that drugs may have also been in play. The film premiere for “Dark Knight Rises” has been cancelled in the wake of this tragic event.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who tragically lost their lives just trying to watch a midnight opening of the latest Batman film.

Garry “Prophecy” Sun for SunOfHollywood.com
