Nike Gets Set To Release Jeremy Lin’s “Linsanity” posted by on February 16, 2012

And The Linsanity Branding Begins

The entire World has caught Linsanity from Jeremy Lin’s superstardom that has taken over the entire Sports and Real World… Even President Barack Obama stated that he is quite impressed by the ball skills of Chinese/Taiwanese American Lin who also attended President Obama’s Alma mater, Harvard University.

With his Worldwide Superstardom growing with every game, leading the Knicks to a 7 game winning streak since he’s been playing, it’s only natural that all the advertisers and endorsers begin cashing in on the Linsanity Phenomenon.

Nike will soon be releasing their new line for the man of the hour… The Nike Hyperfuse 2011 Linsanity PE, the first batches of which will only be available in the Blue and Orange colors of The New York Knicks.  But considering the story and the name, I think these shoes would’ve been better if they called them “Linderella’s Slippers“.

But even with only these colors to choose from, I’m sure they will fly off the shelves just as both Lin’s Official and Counterfeit Jerseys have been doing all across the globe.

Garry “Prophecy” Sun for SunOfHollywood.com

