“Al-Quaeda” “Confirms” Osama Bin Laden’s “Death” posted by on May 7, 2011

To Be.. Or Not To Be.. That is Al-Quaestion

Seriously though… Who knows what to believe anymore.

With all the controversy surrounding Osama Bin Laden’s Death, Body, Coincidences, Secret Numbers, Pictures, and even more Pictures… “Al-Quaeda” decided to go the benevolent route, and fill us all in on “the truth”.

“We stress that the blood of the holy warrior sheik, Osama bin Laden, God bless him, is precious to us and to all Muslims and will not go in vain.We will remain, God willing, a curse chasing the Americans and their agents, following them outside and inside their countries.

Soon, God willing, their happiness will turn to sadness. Their blood will be mingled with their tears.

We call upon our Muslim people in Pakistan… to rise up and revolt to cleanse this shame that has been attached to them by a clique of traitors and thieves … and in general to cleanse their country from the filth of the Americans who spread corruption in it.”

So happy that Al-Quaeda can clear this up for us.. Especially considering there’s NO BODY… and NO PICTURES.  Yeah.

Well, def glad to see they wanted to set the record straight, and put our American Sheeple Minds at ease… while helping us to continue to live in terror.  “Blood mingled with tears” huh?  That sounds poetically dangerous in Biblical proportions.

Stay Tuned.  I’m sure Osamore interesting things are Binladen to happen

