Lindsay Lohan Receives A Comically Memorable Gift From Pop Artist Sham Ibrahim posted by on November 6, 2013

With a person like Lindsay Lohan, we’re pretty sure she’s surrounded by Takers.  Which is nice when our World’s Givers get a chance to Shine.

Pop Artist Sham Ibrahim Managed to Capture that moment when Lindsay walked right by him on the Red Carpet at LA’s Style Fashion Week.

He dodged a few of Lindsay’s handlers to hand her his Portrait, a Comic-Style version of a Would Be Lindsay tabloid, or Media Site.

I wonder which room she’s going to put it up in.

Sham Ibrahim is well known for his celebrity pop art and has given portraits to stars like Joan Collins, Paris Hilton, Janice Dickinson, Tammy Faye, Heidi Fleiss, debbie Harry, Perez Hilton, Tori Spelling and Ru Paul to name a few.  He is most known for his controversial portraits of Rihanna’s face after the Domestic Violence  altercation with her Then Boyfriend Chris Brown, which gained international media attention from NBC News and E! Entertainment, as well as his portraits of Marilyn Monroe and Casey Anthony.

Sham recently filmed an episode for the second season of “Life With La Toya” La Toya Jackson’s show on Oxygen Network, where Sham also gifted her with Portraits of herself and her Legendary Brother Michael Jackson

Lindsay's Life from The Eyes of Ibrahim

Garry “Prophecy” Sun for SunOfHollywood.com

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Miss Universe Olivia Culpo In Hot Water Over Unauthorized Photoshoot At The Taj Mahal posted by on October 11, 2013

Miss Universe !!! You Got Some 'Splainin To Do !!


Miss Universe 2012, 21-year old Olivia Culpo is finding herself in Hot Water after an Unauthorized Photoshoot at the Taj Mahal has prompted Indian Authorities to File an Official Investigation against the former Miss Universe.

Culpo, who was in India for 10 days, was reported to be seen with a group of people that allegedly shot a commercial for footwear at the Taj Mahal on Sunday without the permission of the state-run Archaeological Survey of India. Police acted on a complaint received from the ASI on Thursday.

Indian media said commercial activity is banned on the premises of the Taj Mahal, a World Heritage Site.  Police Inspector Sushant Gaur said Culpo and others in her group are accused of violating India’s Heritage Act.

Culpo posed for photographs wearing one sandal, holding another in her hand and keeping another pair on the bench she was sitting on, Guar said.

Indian police file a case as a first step in investigating a complaint. They formally charge a suspect in court at the end of the investigation.  Culpo and the others implicated could be jailed for up to 2 years and fined $1,600 if found guilty, Guar said.  Olivia left India on Sunday.

Folks should seriously be more aware of what they’re doing in Foreign Lands.  Seemingly insignificant activities can have dire consequences.

Things Were So Simple Before You Become Miss Universe

Garry “Prophecy” Sun for SunOfHollywood.com

Photo  : SunOfHollywood.com

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Bobby Brown And Lisa Vanderpump Celebrate posted by on February 28, 2013

Who would’ve thunkit ???

Bobby Brown and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Restaurateur Lisa Vanderpump are BFF’s ???

Cause they were spotted having a huge gathering at Madeo’s Last night which included my peeps, Bobby’s Wife Alicia Etheridge and my Homegirl Djata Grant… just before Bobby is going to be away for a short time stemming from his recent DUI Arrest.

And Lisa seems to be seeping her way into everywhere she can with Pop Culture, from RHOBH to being a part of the new cast of DWTS.. and now Bobby Brown’s Bestie ???

You gotta admit tho… when you’re faced with such an unfortunate circumstance as doing a Bid… It’s good to know you’ve got supportive peeps who are willing to Celebrate your time away.. just before going away.

Props from Proph

Thanks to My Mans Henry Trappler and Hollywood Uncensored for the Video

Garry “Prophecy” Sun for SunOfHollywood.com

Follow Prophecy on Twitter : @prophecyhiphop

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Penn State Apologizes For Chi Omega Sorority’s Racist Photo posted by on December 6, 2012

One of the Truest Beauties of Life is Learning to Think for Yourself... I Guess That Would Make These Girls Just Plain Ugly

Penn State has issued a formal apology for the actions of Chi Omega’s Nu Gamma Chapter, where a photo was circulated with a group of women dressed in Ponchos and Sombreros with signs saying “Will Mow Lawn For Weed + Beer” and “I Don’t Cut Grass, I Smoke It”.

After at least one of these dumbazz chicks posted the photo, taken around Halloween to Tumblr and Facebook.  Onward State, Penn State’s Student Blog, identified some of the women tagged in the photos as members of Chi Omega Sorority.

Both Penn State and Chi Omega Sorority has issued Public Apologies, and the Sorority is now under investigation.  The incident is just another event to add to the Curse that has overcome Penn State after the scandal surrounding Jerry Sandusky, and the Fallen Joe Paterno who saw his life end before Sandusky was sentenced to Jail.  You would think that the Student Body, as well as those kids in the Greek Groups, would being to willfully choose to think on a higher level of consciousness.

Allz I has to say is, Fraternities and Sororities have a tendency to perpetuate Group Mentalities that have can easily be Inferior to Reasonable Individual Mentalities… Especially when all Morals get skewed due to group consensus and traditions within each organization.  Groups will find themselves swaying towards a complete wrong simply because everybody follows suit, and nobody stands up to be the Independent Leader.

Let’s hope these ladies can learn from their errors… Not in taking the photo… Not in posting the photo… But in allowing themselves to think so lowly, both of others.. and of themselves.

Rise Above

Garry “Prophecy” Sun for SunOfHollywood.com

Amanda Bynes Is An Officially Confirmed CRACKHEAD !!!! posted by on September 13, 2012