9-11 Hidden In Hollywood posted by on September 11, 2011

This is the last series I will leave you with before the end of this 10 year Anniversary of the Terrorist Attacks on The World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001.

This series is called “9-11 Hidden In Hollywood”. This Web video series has been online for a while, but they are quickly disappearing.

It features films that show the number “911” mysteriously appearing in various films, in various ways. There are also many hints alluding to the possibility of the WTC towers being a clear target that will one day be doomed.

If you know anything about what really runs our world, then you will know that all in the Entertainment Industry, even animation and Comic Books, is merely used as more ways of furthering agendas, propaganda, and subliminal intents.


Earthquake In Virginia Affecting New York And The Pentagon Raises Questions About End Times posted by on August 24, 2011

Citizens of New York Flood The Streets After Having Their Earthquake Cherries Popped

Many people are not only shocked and surprised by the 5.9 Magnitude Earthquake that impacted the Northeastern Seabord, but many have agreed … The End Is Near !!

Well, when it comes to the End of the World… Anybody who knows anything knows we will never know the day or the hour.  But strange occurrences, like Earthquakes in regions we know they did not exist before, has raised a lot of questions of the state of our world… Especially since our World is still feeling the residual effects of the Earthquake / Tsunami / Nuclear Disaster Trifecta that affected Japan, and ultimately our Global Ecosystem.

Regardless if these events are acts of God, Mother Nature, or “The Invisible Hand” of Man, they are still happening, and should definitely cause us as a people to choose to look inward as we face the times ahead.

I will say one thing… You should learn about HAARP, especially since HAARP is not the only of its kind, as there are mechanisms like HAARP, with the same technology found throughout our entire globe, just not on the same scale.

Those that know of HAARP, its power, technology, and science behind it, knows that this type of weaponry can definitely do what it is theorized to do, since its technologies are also built around the original invention of “The Earthquake Machine“, invented by our Human History’s most revolutionary Mind of Electrical Sciences, Nikola Tesla.  While Nikola Tesla desired for his discoveries to further the progression of Humankind, ridding the world of poverty, hunger, and wars… Those in power have managed to use his discoveries for selfish purposes of control and domination.

Those familiar with HAARP even thought it may have been responsible for the Earthquake in Japan, just as Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez accused those in control of such an “Earthquake Machine” to have tested their invention on Haiti, when they experienced their devastating 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake on January 12th, 2010.

Well, in Theory, if HAARP was used to do what it is theorized to do, the effects on an Ecosystem like ours will last far beyond an immediate Earthquake and Tsunami.  The residual effects could have been responsible for why the Midwestern United States experienced such severe Tornado systems this year.  And of course with all these events, added after the massive flooding in Queensland, Australia… one can definitely say these times are looking quite Apocalyptic.

And now to the Earthquake that rattled Virginia, The Pentagon and New York yesterday.  While many skeptics may think that our world is too large to manipulate with events such as these.. Then maybe a major quake in this region could cause someone to reconsider their opinion.  And God forbid, we as the public masses become victims of a Tit-for-Tat battle between the powerful and controlling entities that dominate our world, targeting disastrous and unstable areas, like Nuclear Power Plants and Offices of Defense, with our lives as the sacrifice and collateral damage.

And to give this entire scene an even greater sense of purpose… The Earthquake even interrupted a New York Press Conference being held by Cy Vance, the Manhattan District Attorney, who was preparing to discuss why his offices decided to ask a judge to drop the Sexual Assault Charges against Former IMF President, Dominique Strauss Kahn.  Now if events like these don’t sound like Divine Interventions to you, then I guess some of us choose to live in denial more than others.

Whoever is responsible for what is not the issue… The issue is that the times are here, and they are now.

Brace yourselves… It’s About To Get Hot And Heavy.

Times are Gettin Serious Ladies And Gentlemen.  This is the Time of Prophecy.

