Megan Fox Wants To Be Less Haunted By The Spirit Of Marilyn Monroe posted by on April 30, 2011

6 Months ago, August 2010, Megan Fox is fully haunted by the ghost of Marilyn Monroe

I will tell you this.  When we first learned of Megan Fox‘s full on portrait of Marilyn Monroe on her right forearm, we all probably wondered, “Why in the heck would you do that?“.  I am a firm believer that every physical occurrence has a spiritual occurrence attached to it.  So while Megan Fox threw the face of Marilyn Monroe on her arm, she actually impacted her own life spiritually.

It seems like a strange choice to make, especially if you’re someone like Megan Fox who has the ability to become an iconic legend in her own way and by her own means.  So why would you have an image of someone else in plain view, so that whenever someone sees you, they always think of someone else… Even if it is someone considered the greatest female sex symbol of all time, in the end, you are detracting away from yourself, and following in someone’s shadow for all your days.

In addition, I don’t know how comfortable I would be if the person I had tattooed on my arm tragically died from an alleged drug overdose (speculation continues to this day).  I would probablybe  afraid that just keeping her face on my arm might cause me to share in the same fate… Sorta like a “Laws Of Attraction” type deal… ya know, as in “The Secret“.  In the end, I guess even Megan realized the folly of her ways.  She probably got tired of gigs that would require make-up to cover up her tattoo.  She also probably got tired of seeing Marilyn herself in her own pics that would surface all over the web.

Megan Fox stops pubbin' Marilyn Monroe and pubs Armani on 420... Dollars over Deceased

Either which way, it looks like Megan has finally gotten the picture… by finally getting rid of the picture.  She has been seen recently with her Marilyn Monroe tattoo, noticeably lighter, as it looks like she’s trying to have the tattoo slowly removed.

Megan's Marilyn Before And Megan's Marilyn After

I give you props Megan.  You finally realized that in order to become your own legendary person, you have to make sure you yourself are the sole focus of everyone’s attention.

Besides, your real face is a lot hotter than ink anyway, that is of course, your plastic surgery free face.

